Our "Lamb-count" at conclusion of Lambing in 2020 was:-
6 tup lambs; and 5 ewe lambs; varied colours - which is what we wanted
As at 22 July 2020, FOUR of the tup lambs are spoken for / SOLD
The other two tup lambs are STILL AVAILABLE
THREE ewe lambs are STILL AVAILABLE, and ready for sale
All this year's lambs now are vaccinated, and dual tagged and RBST birth notified / registered
ONE 2019 born ewe lambs still is AVAILABLE and suitable for tupping into November
We may offer retirement to two of our older ewes
The remaining two / twin tup lambs born 2020 could be wethered, suitable as ornamental grazers, pets / companions / guard animals
​​Prices on application
BELOW LEFT: Daisy - the Matriarch, sadly lost in 2019
BELOW RIGHT: Jackson, our former stock ram, sold on to a family on North Uist,
where he worked from 2018 onwards, and, just recently, moved on to a new contract / owners on Harris; Jackson, we miss you loads, and hope you may sire many more beautiful lambs
Miaouws and Woofs...
BELOW: New way to travel" - without the torture of the dreaded cat basket?
(Some practice walks still required - well done Stelios)
"Cat-tually - this hasn't really worked!" BLESS you, Stelios - for trying...
​(Stelios was very adept at "slipping" the halti) - OK - back to the basket..
BELOW AND TO RIGHT: Emmet has a new companion - "Jaqi the Gerbil" - yes, that's Jaqi with the hat on
Emmet decided to take Jaqi for a wee ride! - BLESS!
Thankyou for this, Karen, made me smile.............
​PS: Emmet brought Jaqi home, none the worse
​- although we noticed her hat's missing on the return journey!
"Emmet - did yo eat Jaqi's hat?" go on, own up!!
ABOVE: STELIOS SAYS: "Tax doesnt have to be...... TAXing"
- waiting for a contrCAT from HMRC!
BELOW: LEFT: FOXY SAYS: "Dont mess! - or you'll come off worse.........."; AND BELOW RIGHT: in-laws' sheepdog in the Sperrins, Tyrone
(courtesy of Lyn)
BELOW: NO self-respecting cat would do this
BELOW: EMMET heard ...
Celtic Share price on the rise
"in our dreams"
BELOW: "Cats sleep anywhere......."
"Come woof with me"
Contact "Aileen" at
BELOW: Nouska, the Rescue cat - brought from Jeddah
by our gorgeous friend, Maryanne
ABOVE: Cat fact
Did you know?
(if, exceptionally, a tortie is a male, it will most likely be sterile)
- another pic from our friend, Lyn, THANKYOU!
LEFT: Cat fact: "an adult cat can sleep more than 16 hours a day..."
Nitey nite - from Foxy cat!
Pic - courtesy of Kelly and family!
(CAT LEO - courtesy our friend, Lyn)
And on Lyn's ipad... how to get cattention
LEFT, 2 pictures: Miaouwwwwww! I am Stelios, the brave cat. I was adopted by Jo n Pete when i was just a few weeks old, with my brother, Alberto. We bring them home presents, often, and we EAT WEASELS! We are the safe-guarders of the hens..........
ABOVE: I am the ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE - anti theft device
I fancy the odd carry out................
And I am fully prepared to go out in the snow......
I was the purrfect cat! RIP Stelios, 2004 - 2020. Miss you, Stelios,
I have built you your final resting place in one of your favourite sunny spots.
The rabbit population in this hamlet has taken advantage of your absence, though........
ABOVE: A late night visitor... And (ABOVE) a young chick saved from the Miaouws - who brought chick in, in the first place
No chick was harmed in the snapshot
AND BELOW, Roly the dog with her Soay friends, This great tit chick was released safely into the sky
North Uist